Tony Daley Addresses Wayne Etheridge, CEO of Sportsnight Events & Memorabilia

Tony Daley Addresses Wayne Etheridge, CEO of Sportsnight Events & Memorabilia

Aston Villa Football Legend makes a Personal Statement to Sportsnight Events & Memorabilia's Founder and CEO, Wayne Etheridge.




"I find it quite humbling when a Football Legend such as Tony Daley say's such kind words. It's things like this that make all the hard work, long hours, blood, sweat & tears that our team and myself put in, well worth it.
We strive to provide our guests with the opportunity to meet Sporting Greats and make the experience second to none.
This along with the crowds reaction at our events goes to show that Sportsnight Events & Memorabilia are at the Top of Our Game" - Wayne Etheridge   

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